Visualising virtuality

As a child, I used to have a wildly wandering imagination. While the things I imagined may be insignificant and forget-worthy, however, only one reserved a striking spot in the back of mind up to this day. Imagine being chased by a giant machine that swallows people up and then returns them with no features. Two of those machines have haunted my dreams, one which was black and as I mentioned before, gigantic, the other was white and significantly smaller in size. The first swallowed people then returned them with blank faces, and the latter "printed" identical features onto the faceless beings.
Ever since the vast evolution of the virtual world invaded our lives in every possible aspect, each one of us became trapped in their own pop-less bubble. We abide by the good for nothing trends that only dictate our way of living. From your makeup, your clothes, your body "type"and the words you use the most in your "normal" conversations, to how your house looks like, your holiday destinations, your family gatherings, and sometimes even how your children look like! Almost everything became trend-ically** induced.
Now some may argue that back in the technology-less ages there were still trends that the society blindly followed, so why bring the squeaky clean digital era into this discussion?

For starters, technology helped the extreme widespread of this craze. Whenever you go through your social media apps (which is every day) you can't help but bump into hair and beauty tutorials, tons of recipes, celebrity news, endless product reviews, advertisements, and many more. These indirectly implant the idea of the "need" to be like them if not, them. The world became bombarded with look-alikes thanks to such trends.
Our standards now are mostly similar. Diversity is quickly becoming a rare trait. More judgmental beings are born, and innocence is becoming an absurd qualification in any human.
People either know too much or nothing at all about a certain subject. You can't have connections without the accompanying looks.
I fear the day when giving birth to another soul means nothing but printing the millionth copy of an already existing being. I fear the day when each one's identity would have been robbed ages ago and we're left with nothing but the consequences of turning the virtual world, a reality, and trust me, it won't be as good as it sounds.
** : (just pretend this word exists)