
With the first break of light through the
gigantic windows of this grand almost scary house, a long yet small light beam
peeks over a Dainty and an Accomplished. The first decides that the day should
start beautifully; while the latter sleeps soundly.
And the day begins.
They wake up together,
brush their teeth together and send each other the secret smiles they
unconsciously pass which are only reserved from her to him and him to her.
He dresses quickly giving her time to prepare herself.
She dresses quickly to
witness his calm morning aura.
She is the only one
who gets to see his thoughtful side. Him, standing in the huge proud terrace
taking in the views while lost in thoughts. She could almost read his mind, yet
she's always distracted by his eminence and minuteness at the same time.
And the day begins.
They enter the
kitchen. Together. Almost as if this is a silent agreement. She starts cutting
his morning vegetables to prepare his favorite dish, all while stealing glances
here and there. He whisks up her eggs and makes her all time favorite
omelette, all while highly concentrating; as if the tiniest flaw in the eggs
would drive him nuts. It should be perfect.
She brews his coffee.
He pours her tea.
They sit.
Simultaneously. And enjoy a silent breakfast with the sounds of their content
smiles filling the place. She breaks the silence by her loving conversation
which he intently listens to.
He makes sure to
cherish every syllabus coming out of her. He observes her while she's eating.
He believes himself a "born under the stars" being. She waits for his response. And when he opens his
mouth to reply, she treasures everything he says. She doesn't miss the smallest
gestures of love which he does, and he doesn't miss her loving smile and warm
All involuntarily.
They say Love is a
word that storms into your life and causes a havoc
It’s an action that
sends a soft breeze through your hair. Love’s
a deed that means
pain, loss or memories.
I say love is a word
that means a person, a thing, or a gesture.
It’s the ocean in the
first hours of the morning. It’s an embrace that holds so much warmth you only
want to cuddle within its arms.

Love is involuntarily
and definitely not explanatory. Any attempt to describe it will only dry up the words before getting
half way through the point. You need to experience it first hand and most importantly, involuntarily.