
Alone. It’s an adjective that describes a state of mind, the state of the soul, and the empty void inside one’s heart. One, just like alone, but without the fancy garnishes of the first and twelfth letters of the alphabet. It’s of no coincidence, since you become naturally one with the void. You are alone. Alone. It’s when the kettle boils in the inhumane hours of the night to mask the tears that your heart bleeds. It’s when it’s annoyingly loud around you, but even that can’t cause the slightest of ripples in the eerily empty sea of emotions inside your soul. It’s when your thoughts echo inside your brain, going from one side to another, smacking the sides of your mind in a silky smooth manner, as if rehearsed . Alone. It’s when your thoughts take over amidst the noise, not only to silence each and every sound daring to enter your mind through the gates, but also to strip them from their voices. It’s when those thoughts choose how to interpret such nois...