Dearest, We grew up in a controversial society. While some have the seeds of gender equity implanted within their souls from when they were children, the majority, however, keep repeating the old and useless mantra, “women were created to serve men”. Accordingly, we were raised. You were too generous with your flaw detection, you didn’t even hesitate a second, but then again, accordingly, we were raised. You told me I’ll cause the aging process of my skin to be quickly paced by constantly carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. If I ate as much as a normal person would, I’ll be too fat, but if I kept the intake of food minimum, I’m not taking care of myself. If I take care of others, I’m not giving myself what I need, but if I give myself some time, I’ll be self-centered and selfish. If I help around, then I’m not concentrating on my studies, or scratch that, not even reading or educating myself enough, but if I spend my time reading or going out, I’m m...