The Holocaust Resurrection

Before both world wars, and as far back as 1895, the concepts of modern political Zionism started grappling with the problem of creating a Jewish MAJORITY state in Palestine to overthrow the majority of the population who were entirely Arabs. They resorted to a solution of "transferring the Jews" which, of course, was a euphemism for the ethnic cleansing of the Arab Palestinians. Even before World War II, specifically in August of the year 1937, the "transfer of Jews" was the subject of discussion during the Twentieth Zionist Congress in Zurich in Switzerland. So, the Zionists' plan was to be put in motion regradless of the Holocaust (since it hadn't happened yet at that time). Ben Gurion, who would later become the first prime minister of the Occupied Land, wholeheartedly supported the mandatory transfer since he saw nothing immoral in forcing thousands out of their homes, and there's not a light way to say this, rape them out of their lands. In...