Then, now and how it should be.

Feminism 'fɛmɪnɪz(ə)m' (noun) the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the genders. Being a woman/girl in the 21st century means facing some challenges when it comes to building up your career, starting a family or even getting paid like your fellow male colleague for doing the same task at work. I'm not saying women are oppressed or that they can't find their voices in a world deafened by men's opinions, however it would be nice to know where we stand. (I won't surely be talking about the political and social movements or even the "ideologies" of feminism. That could be extremely pedantic.) Let's take a peek on the 19th century for instance. Imagine yourself adorning that vexatious corset beneath a long gown, because you are forced to do so by society. Women were expected to embroider cushions, paint portraits, play the piano forte, read extensively and speak languages fluently...