A posthumous letter for you.

Dearest, I know it’s been ages since I last talked to you, but believe me when I say that I think about you every single waking and breathing moment. I won’t lie and tell you things are just the same as when you left, things have drastically changed. Some in a good way and some in the most horrendously aching ways ever. However, even though I won’t have the heart to spill out all the changes, but I feel the urgent need to talk to you, to consult you. I think talking about this would be stirring your rested soul, and I consider this to be one of the most disrespectful and imbecile things to do. However, since this letter won’t ever reach you, since I’m all alone in this, I’ll talk about it in hopes of seeing you one day. Perhaps then, I wouldn’t be as bitter about this as I am now. As previously mentioned, things have changed in an unrecognizable manner. We have a new addition to the family now: my cousin. You left when the previous cousin was months old. Now, a new b...